Over 50 years of
Together, we will create healthy communities.

Welcome to 2023 from your local
C2H team!
Take a look at how far we have come with your continued love and support.
We at C2H, look forward to another year of informing, empowering, and inspiring our community with the tools they need to live healthier and happier lifestyles.

Historically, African Americans have been and continue to be negatively affected by prejudice and discrimination in the health care system. Misdiagnoses, inadequate treatment, and lack of cultural competence by health professionals cause distrust and prevent many African Americans from seeking or staying in treatment. Socio-economic factors play a part too, and can make treatment options less available. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, as of 2012, 19% of African Americans had no form of health insurance. Our target population also resides in areas with lack of public transportation and other means of affordable transportation to quality care.

Community Coalition for Health has been providing outreach services related to health awareness to our east Austin community since 2014. We help Austin residents navigate and overcome critical barriers to obtaining health and mental health services with the ultimate goal of opening a pathway to preventative screenings and services. Participants will ultimately follow through with referrals to the appropriate healthcare provider or community resource.